Writer’s Toolkit


The Writer's Toolkit is my personal collection of writing-related tools, resources, and references.  The things that have helped me in my quest to become a better writer.

As I find more resources, I'll be adding to these lists.  So, check back often!  Or, if you have an addition you'd like to see included here, please let me know.

To access, simply scroll down to the section you are most interested in and select a link. 


My Bookshelf...

When it comes to writing, here are a few books I can't live without.

And, here are some excellent articles I've come across.


Societies, etc.

Convensions and Gatherings

Contests and Current Opportunities

Where do I find out what is going on??

Magazines & eZines



Useful Sites

Blogs I Recommend

The Process of Writing

On writing process, writer's block, and finding balance...

On the first sentence...

On word usage...

On world/universe building...

On characters...

On names...

On dialogue...

On rewriting...

The Business of Writing

On the business/financial side of writing...

On agents...

On Contracts...

On Submitting...

On synopses...

On rejections...

On publishing...

On community and friendship...

Other Items Of Note